Saturday, November 8, 2008

What Jim said...

The other day when I was sitting with Jim, we talked about a lot of things. Some of what he said to me during our time together was surely to make me feel better. Like many others dealing with the hurt of seeing him sick, I am an absolute wreck daily over this. However, he provides such inspiration, while his body is weak, his spirit is so amazingly strong. He knows God is watching over him and his family.

I asked him about how I could help right now and he told be about something he had said to Chris, saying "that if you look at this mathematically, there are two possible outcomes, if I live -- I win, if I die -- I win". Of course he wants to stay here, but has complete comfort in knowing God has a place for him in Heaven.

Incidentally, this is something that I love about Jim, he is so bright, but can reduce something as complex as life/death to a binary operation and get you nodding your head along with him. So many times he would counsel me in this manner, always a true friend there for me, whether it was trouble at work or if I wanted discuss something we had studied or read in our weekly small group meeting.

He followed up by saying, "don't worry about me, I know I will be with God soon and I will be alright", and for us to focus on Chris and the girls, as they will need our prayers of support, acts of love and kindness, both now and once he is gone.

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