Sunday, November 9, 2008


Wow. What a blitzkreig week.

Cindy and I have had the pleasure of knowing Jim and Chris for a while now. Our family get togethers and small group meetings have clearly been the highlights. Jim's smile is infectious and his warm demeanor is disarming. It has also been a pleasure to see him grow as a new Christian. Jim's overall intelligence is clearly superior to mine and I have had a few friends like this in the past. Sometimes I have had difficulty relating biblically to these kinds of people. And often their pursuit of knowledge brought them further from God. But Jim...he is different. His questions made him probe deeper, and through this, he has become a great Christian man.

Jim is a massive guy. I feel small next to him. His shoulders are broad and I think most would agree that he exudes confidence and love. I'm sure that his girls (all 3 of them) feel this and this effect will last forever. Jim loves his Ehrlich ladies and he lets that show everytime I am with him. He has set a good example for them and we will see that reflection of him throughout their lives. They will remember a hard worker, dedicated to loving and caring for his family. And without a doubt they will pass those qualities on to their own families one day.

One memory...A couple years ago we had an 80's party. Jim came as a member of the Columbia University Swim Team (with a mohawk). To my surprise, this was his actual shirt from many years prior. I was quite impressed. This summer, we met Jim, Dana and Lauren at the town pool. The kids were swimming...we were talking and laughing as usual. I have taught swimming lessons, been a lifeguard and consider myself quite the shark, but...let me tell you, Jimbo can swim!!! At one point, we hopped into the pool. I watched him cut through the water that day like few others do! If I'm a shark, then I'm a blubbering whale shark and he is a dolphin.

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