Sunday, November 16, 2008

Running with Perseverance

(From Woody Anderson - Chris' Brother)

Just over a year ago, I flew out to NH to run in the NH Marathon. The timing of the event was right after Jim had his lymph node surgery. I did not expect him to drive the 1+ hours up to Newfound Lake to come watch, but there he was putting his discomfort aside and cheering me along with a bag of drained lymph node fluid attached to his leg!

In the days leading up to the marathon, I recognized there was a parallel between me running the marathon and the marathon Jim & Chris were in the middle of running themselves! I was inspired by their perseverance and intended to use their inspiration to push through the adversity of the race. My wife designed some t-shirts for the whole family to wear and “Team Ehrlich” was born! The “Team Ehrlich” design was on the back of our t-shirts.

Here’s what I wrote about Jim on a family blog after the event:

Jim was a whistle-blowing, cowbell ringing, bag of lymph node fluid carrying machine! Pretty cool that he had lymph node surgery one week and was out on the course cheering for me the next. I've thought a lot about his melanoma. It's very easy for me to think about "what if it was me". I don't believe there is a manual out there that explains how to process all the thoughts, feelings, emotions & ramifications that come with finding out you have cancer. If it was me, I think I would want to handle it the same way I have seen Jim take it on.

It reminds of the "David & Goliath" story from the Bible. David was an optimist. There is no human explanation why, as a young teenager, David was able to take down a giant who could have crushed him in an instant. Jim is an optimist. He knows the seriousness and difficulties that lie ahead, but also knows that his optimism flows from a Source of strength, resources & power that is far beyond human explanation. I like that about him. God is good.

Keep running the race with perseverance Jim!!

Well, the finish of Jim & Chris’ marathon is not what we had hoped for. They have run it well and with great perseverance. Jim will be crossing a heavenly finish line to the cheers of the angelic crowd and will no doubt be hearing the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

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