Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Know Your Voice

I had the privilege to visit with Jim for a spell on Wednesday in his new location. Upon arrival, he was resting peacefully so I fought back the temptation to wake him just to say hi. I sat and prayed, I checked out his new home away from home and just sat in his presence for a while. Several times when I would sit down, I wondered if the noise from the cushion might awaken him, but he continued resting peacefully, so I just sat there with him. After about 30 minutes, his daughter Lauren entered the room and in a hushed voice said, "Shoot," in reference to Jim being asleep. Instantly, Jim awoke, gave one of those "where am I looks," noticed me and then laid eyes on his daughter. I haven't seen anyone wake up so quickly in a long time!

What a difference a familiar voice from a dear loved one makes. Jesus told us that his sheep, or followers, will know his voice, the voice of the shepherd. That was important for sheep to be able to know whom they could trust, for their shepherd would love, guide, protect and comfort them. Isn't it wonderful to know that Jim knows the voice of his Shepherd and is assured that He will love, guide, protect and comfort him as well. And not only that, but we too, Jim's family and friends can have that same Shepherd watch over us.


  1. I was just reading the passage on Him being our good shepherd today!! thanks for sharing this story and insight!

  2. Lee, I have read and re-read this post. It makes me cry everytime... Beautiful...
